I got to meet up with a blogging friend today. It’s such a treat to get to know some of my online friends in real life. Sara and I have so much in common – we both have a child in another country that we have been waiting to come home. We’ve both been waiting over a year. We both have no idea when they will come home.
I have an amazing group of friends that surround me, but very few with the shared experience of adoption. It was so reassuring to sit with Sara and talk about our feelings, frustrations, hopes, and fears. It makes my unique situation feel just a little more normal, and even a little more tolerable.
Thanks for the yogurt, and for a great chat, Sara! 🙂
Aww, I’m blushing. I actually had a really great time chatting with you. When I got back to my grandparents house I instantly regretted not taking one of those dorky self-shot, myspace style, photos so that I could commemorate the occasion on my own blog. Oh well. And now you’ve beat me to the blogging punch.
I really had a great time. I started reading ‘In Their Own Voices’ today and am enjoying it tremendously. I am also TOTALLY craving some more yogurt and am contemplating an evening run to Swirls. I think I totally appreciate your cravings for the stuff on a whole other level after having tasted it myself.
Thanks again for the great conversation!
just wanted to let you know that I ran out to get some yogurt on Saturday night after reading your blog post and have been dreaming about it since I came home last night. You have made a frogurt convert out of this ice cream addict.