Barack, you had me at hello. Your winsome smile, inspirational life story, commitment to ending the war, and can-do attitude makes me want to love you. And I mostly do. But Barack. Seriously. The partial-birth abortion thing? Not cool.
You have been pretty diplomatic so far when you discuss this issue. Sure, you might even find it unseemly. It may not be what you would do. But you strongly believe in a woman’s right to choose. Here is your statement on the issue from the 2007 South Carolina Democratic primary debate, on MSNBC Apr 26, 2007.
I think that most Americans recognize that [partial birth abortion] is a profoundly difficult issue for the women and families who make these decisions. They don’t make them casually. And I trust women to make these [partial birth abortion] decisions in conjunction with their doctors and their families and their clergy. The broader issue here is: Do women have the right to make these profoundly difficult decisions about [partial birth abortion]? And I trust them to do it.
Call me cynical, but since when do we trust the general public to make wise decisions ON ALL THINGS? Again, perhaps I’m jaded, but do you really think that when people are preparing to make morally reprehensible decisions, that they call their clergy or therapist first? I doubt it. In fact, of several lifelong pastors I asked, none of them have EVER had a church member approach them wanting late-term abortion advice. Nor has this ever come up in the large psychotherapy practice where I see clients and supervise therapists. Just for fun, let’s look at this statement, but swap out some other decisions we could leave up to the “wisdom” of the general public:
Do these examples sound ridiculous? Absolutely. If we want to protect the innocent, sometimes we need to intervene. Choice is not an option for every issue. That is why we have laws against theft, murder, child abuse, and rape. Yes, perhaps we can’t mandate morality. Fine. Then let’s limit abortion to be done only when the baby is too young to survive outside the womb. Let’s leave it to techniques that don’t involve killing a baby mid-delivery so that, technically, it’s not murder because a toe is still in the birth canal.Barack, I like you, but I can’t defend you on this one.
we have never met, but i have read (stalked) your blog. my mom is good friends with sarah lyons’ mother in law, glenda. i had to say hi and tell you i agree with you on this issue 100%
I thought you might find this you-tube video interesting. Get a box of kleenex before watching. It really made my heart break and is right in line with your blog post. I commend you for speaking up for the innocent babies who don’t have a chance to have a voice themselves.
Kristen, I am pro choice to my core but I absolutely do not agree with partial birth abortions. I truly believe that if you can’t get your sh*t together in the first or second trimester, then your window of “choice” should be closed.
Here in Canada we do not perform theraputic abortions past 16-18 weeks, well before the time of viability of 24 weeks.
I have worked as an RN in the field of obstetrics for seven years and have been present for late term, for medical reason, abortions. When I say medical reasons I am referring to conditions of the fetus in which it cannot survive outside the womb. When this happens labor is induced and the baby is born. In some cases the baby dies before delivery but in many it is born alive. The baby is washed, swaddled in a warm blanket, and is held by it’s parents for as long as they want. It is made as peaceful as possible, lights are dimmed, voices are lowered, clergy is called, photos and footprints are taken. I am horrified and disgusted at the thought of what you are writing about.
I agree. I mean REALLY?!
i think, though, the real question is, is what does obama think of twilight? and wait till you get to book 4, this partial abortion issue will have a whole new twist
So well said. Packs a punch! I love how you think.
It’s worse than that. Obama also twice opposed legislation protecting babies who survive late term abortions. If the child is born, it is no longer “pro-choice” issue.
Here’s a link to an article in the WSJ.
As a brand new dad of a 6-week-old blessing from God, this topic breaks my heart.
I was saddened by his comment that he wouldn’t want his daughters to be “punished” with a baby.
Senator Obama is so militantly pro-choice that I can’t endorse him and his ideas by voting for him.
Call me naive, but in a country where we say that all (people) are endowed by their Creator to unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, I’m surprised we are still debating this issue.
I second what Jen wrote… I am pro-choice and see no reason for partial birth abortion. I don’t agree on this one either. But Barack is still my homeboy. 😉
Can we get this to Barak? You go Kristen!! Nancy
Well said. Loved the change in words and situations. I find this way of thinking frightening. Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Great post.
You are amazing Kristen. Beautifully written and I linked it. Hope you don’t mind.
Brilliantly stated!
I won’t enter into anything political anymore – I hate all things political — check out Derek Webb’s song “Savior on Capitol Hill” (You can always trust the devil and a politician to be the devil and a politician) — but having said that — I think as long as people are morally corrupt enough to do THAT to a viable baby — legislating the change does not matter — you cannot legislate peoples hearts to be soft to the unborn. It sucks.
anti war
anti abortion
anti death penalty
value all life
won’t vote – don’t believe in the system,
tara in haiti
i totally agree with you on this..