1. Getting away from the kids for three whole nights (as much as we love our children), and not being on a mission trip! (as much as we love missions)
2. Having fun with awesome friends who made a good time of whatever activity we did
3. Watching my husband sing “Summer of 69” in a karoake bar, and then display his savant knowledge of 1970’s song lyrics at the piano bar
4. Observing lots of drunk people hit on each other and thanking my lucky stars I’m out of that whole game
5. Getting to know “Cruise Ship Dave”, our friend Dave Krenick’s vacation-mode alter ego.
6. Leaving the room for five minutes and coming back to a made bed and towels sculpted into the shape of swans
7. Ordering a ridiculous amount of food. And eating it all.
8. Laying in the sun, drinking a frozen drink
9. Formal night and being asked to pose like we are at prom for photos.
10. Celebrating 12 years of marriage!
I am glad we met … and it is even more important that we become friends … because you need a friend that is not also blonde. DIVERSIFY.
Just sent you your book. Also just got word of your support from World Wide Village. THANK YOU THANK YOU guys. If you only knew how encouraging that is to us.
I am telling you – it is encouraging.
Now you know.
Thanks so much and congrats on 12 years … we think the singing part sounds like A LOT of fun.
Had a great time with you guys! I am oh so proud to be the wife of a man that is not afraid to throw a couple of straws up his nose every once in awhile. –annmarie