Enter my husband, who Tivo’s the show every week and thinks it is brilliant. I’ve written before about my husband’s movie choices, but this show is a new low. Now I have my tween nephews in town, and the three of them are all watching Wipeout. They are laughing so hard that I am constantly shushing them so they don’t wake the younger kids. They are literally rolling around on the floor and crying because they are laughing so hard.
My house has been taken over by immature boys and I am being forced to watch this. Someone help me.
i was just willing someon to make it over those bouncy balls on sticks. SO annoying
you should mention to mark that Jerry Huson was on the first episode. yes – i couldnt believe it as well. hope you all are well!
Ooooo…have they discovered MXC? It’s part Japanese gameshow/part Mystery Science Theater 3000. Greg and the kids LOVE it….I have to go read upstairs. I think it’s on Spike TV.
Oh.No. That show really was created just for boys I guess. They like watching people get hurt while completely making fools of themselves.
Thank God I don’t have to see this type of show because I’m always on the computer instead…
Hey, um. Totally random, but I just read a post I thought you might enjoy. Wasn’t it you that loves the guy from The Soup?
Check out mattlogelin.blogspot.com and read today’s post if you get time. His story is actually very sad, maybe you’ve heard of him. But I guess his wife had your same crush.
If it wasn’t you that had that crush you can totally disregard this rambling comment 🙂
Help you?
Help ME!
This is now our Tuesday night ritual. We cram down dinner so we can gather round the tube at 7 pm sharp.
Jason, hey!! We did see Jerry on there. We were cracking up. Mark is bummed that he didn’t think of it first.
Jen – MXC sounds like something Mark would love. He probably already watches it. But just in case, I will NOT be mentioning it. 🙂
Heather – can you relink? I couldn’t find the blog. Not that I have a weird stalkery crush on Joel McHale or anything. Oh wait yes I do. http://thehowertons.blogspot.com/2008/05/post-trip-post.html
Christine – my condolescences
My husband and kids just discovered this. They were all laughing – I’m just confused I guess.
Thanks for using my Wipeout video from YouTube!
thank you