Mark is accusing me of breaking my vows to him as a husband. He claims that I promised to never allow our house to look like it had been overtaken with toys once we had kids. He feels betrayed that our living room is looking less like a well-designed space, and more like a daycare center.
Mark, I admit. I have failed you. I have not lived up to the expectations that either of us had for our home. When I see the amount of primary colored plastic I have allowed into our living room, I am also ashamed. We are looking less Design Within Reach and more Romper Room these days. I am trying to make a change, but change is difficult. I am not proud of it, either. I hope we can work through this difficult stage of our relationship.
primary color plastic is the new black, is it not?
Oh the things we say before we have kids….
Are you kidding, I am ready to get rid of all of our stuff and replace it with foam furniture.
I was just reading the post above this one (you are a FANTASTIC aunt, by the way!) and thinking what a lovely, sophisticated home you had. Toddlers do not often mix well with grand pianos and busts of important figures. I was just thinking how cultured and how awe inspiring that was. But then… look! There is a little plastic, Little Tykes, kitchen-y thing right next to it! That is hilarious! That is SO normal. I love it!