After playgroup today, I was giving Jafta and India their usual pre-nap bath. All of the sudden, right before my very eyes, the bathtub gets cloudy. And brown. After a second, I realize that someone has pooped in the bathtub. Someone has taken a serious. poop. in the bathtub.
I whisk the kids into my shower to clean them off, and immediately start the inquisition. However, the perpetrator remains at large. Here is what I know:
- Jafta vehemently denies the pooping, and blames India
- India had already had a poopy diaper at playgroup, which points to Jafta
- Jafta has never bold-faced lie to me, which points to India
- There was a curious absence of raisins (India’s favorite), which points to Jafta
- Both children have had diarrhea since Haiti, which looks bad for both of them
- The presence of corn points to Jafta
- The presence of large ball of blue play-doh (also India’s favorite) points to India
I just don’t know what to think. Apparently my life is full of crap. And I don’t mean that figuratively.
If you would like a look at the crime scene, click here. Warning: gruesome shower scene depicted. I refrained from posting this photo on the main page to protect the innocent. And those of you reading this while eating.
Anonymous says
Poop. Poop. Poop. All you talk about is poop. 🙂 Seriously, I laughed so hard at picture of the tub I almost….pooped. From the first picture, I’m guessing it was India. She seems to have that “pooping concentration” face. Hope you all feel better soon. We’re not having digestive trouble, but I’ve had a wicked headache off and on since the trip. 🙁
dreamingBIGdreams says
okay i’m actually embarrased to say that i went to the picture and it is GROSS. this exact scene has happened a few times in my house. fun times! it always happens when you are in a hurry or home without daddy!
Jessica says
I really feel like once you’ve been to Haiti (or have had kids) poop just comes into your normal conversation quite easily!
btw-LOVED the photos from Haiti. I checked your blog all of the time as I went (and still go through) Haiti withdrawel.
jennifer-i had headaches off and on for a few weeks right before i left haiti….turned out to be my second case of malaria. you don’t always get really sick with it. the headaches and random, low-grade fevers were my only symptoms!
Kristi says
kristen…i swear. i am laughing every time i read your blog. thank you, i needed that.
also…one time, i had haley in the bath and she pooped. so i took her to the other bath where she pooped again. back to the 1st poopy bathroom (that I had drained)…picked the poop up and put her back in, and YES, she pooped again. Into the shower and apparently she was tapped.
It’s no fun. Sorry.
Nancy H says
Kristen–seriously, I am dying!! You are hilarious!! I needed a good laugh after a long, hard day of kids at school. At least we don’t have to bathe them!!
Diane Davis says
i too clicked on the picture. ewww. i hope after all the drama they took a LONG nap!
Kristi says
DANG! You jinxed me…when I read this blog I thought how glad I was that Lexi hadn’t pooped in the bath yet. And guess what…she christened it last night.
Luckily, my dad was here and was on bath duty and HE cleaned it up. I love my dad.