Today I had a poignant conversation with another therapist about some stuff that I obviously can’t discuss. But the gist of it is, sometimes it can be really discouraging to see how damaging parents can be to their children. It astounds me how profound a traumatic childhood can shape a person’s life. Even more disheartening is how the small things can impact us. A distracted, perfectionistic, critical or addicted parent . . . even in a seemingly happy household, kids can sustain damage that follows them into adulthood.
Hi Kristen-
I love hearing your thoughts on your job. I want to be you when I grow up — uh, but I think I might be older than you …so, what I mean is — I plan to pick your brain until it bleeds finding out all about your life, I am totally intrigued by people and why we do what we do and I hope to be able to help people the way you are someday.
I promise I won’t constantly comment.
But that said,
my heart hurt when I read this. I was a social worker for seven years (before the SAHM gig). My clients – chronically mentally ill – everything from schizophrenia to depression and anxiety and addiction.
I started out kind of pollyanna- like, and left feeling exactly how you describe in this post.
Sure, I helped a lot of people head toward a better path for their lives. But there were probably just as many who were far too damaged (hard-wiring) to see much hope. I suppose there is hope, but some may never dig that deep or happen to find it.
Even so, I know from being in “the field,” you do good work. Kudos, lady!