Our flight from LAX left really late due to a mechanical issue. They could not get the plane door to close, so they ended up having a repairman come and nail the door shut while we sat on the runway for an hour. Things like that always inspire confidence. Anyways, we ended up arriving in Miami after the last flight to Haiti had left for the day. So we are spending a night at a hotel in Miami, and enjoying the beauty of sleeping with two children in one hotel room. Grr.
We are pretty disappointed to miss a day with Keanan. Jafta was especially upset. We have tried to put on our game face and act like this hotel stay was an exciting planned excursion. “Yay, we are going to a hotel for the night! Yay!” We pretend, and try not to show how bummed we really are.
Looking forward to a better day tomorrow and seeing our little one soon.
Praying for you guys!
We’ll be praying for all five of you!
-Jen BunchTompkins
I’m so excited about all of the things you guys brought down! Beth just emailed me and told me how much the kids are loving everything. I so wish I was there taking pictures! I hope you guys are having a great trip!
I’m just catching up on the blog…can’t wait to read the rest!