I am officially out of touch. I picked up an Us Magazine the other day and didn’t recognize half of the celebrities pictured. I don’t watch American Idol. I’ve never seen The Hills. And I’m not even sure what Gossip Girl is. I’ve heard of bands like Fallout Boy and Panic at the Disco. I think they are supposed to be cool but I don’t know what they sing. I haven’t seen a movie in the theatre in, um, a very long time. I don’t even go to the mall anymore, so Old Navy is now my fashion compass. MySpace scares me. Skpying scares me even more.
Out of Touch
Yesterday, I saw two teenagers making out at the park and thought about telling them to go home before I called their moms. I fought a similiar urge last week, when I almost told a teenage boy to pull his pants up.
When did I become so old?
I feel your pain. Yesterday I loaded some Pre K software on my laptop for my son. I was showing him how to use the touch pad on the laptop to move the cursor and he asked ” Mommy, when you were little, did your mommy teach you how to use a computer?” I wanted to cry as the words ” when mommy was little we didn’t have computers” were uttered from my mouth.
Umm…Kristen. This is Kerry Graham. Leah gave me the link to your blog, so I thought I would say hi. In case you do not remember me, we went to middle school together in Florida.
Hi Kerry! How fun to hear from you!
Uh, Leah, how about telling my graduate students that we didn’t have the internet when I was in COLLEGE!! :O
I live in Missouri now and if I remember correctly, you did too. Did you live in Moberly? You can email me direct at [email protected]
Ha ha … you made me laugh. Here’s how pathetic I am … every year for my birthday, I buy myself a subscription to US Weekly magazine. You should do it! It’s something to look forward to in the mail EVERY Thursday!
Hey Kristen, this is Erica from Addictive behaviors. I am on blogspot as well and was looking through random blogs and came across yours. KINDA WEIRD. Although, I have read it through and it has been an interesting read. I have cried, laughed, and laughed some more. It reads very well and I am interested to keep up with it. Hope that doesn’t censor you! HA HA. I really loved the class and hope your summer is magnificent!