Hello, I found your blog after you posted on Haitian Angels… your family is beautiful. We have adopted domestically, are adopting a five year old from Haiti (we are waiting for his visa) and we have 4 bio kids.
Just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself…. I didn’t want to be a stalker 🙂
WOW Kristen; I can’t believe I came across this; you may not remember me but my brother Shawn and I lived down the street from you years ago on Cheryl Lane in Kissimee. I was friends with Brooke!!! Your family is beautiful and your blog is tooo cute! If you want to email me [email protected]. I am also married with 2 kids; Zachary 9 and Hannah Love 3. I totally get the poop on the bike, or shoes…Take Care! Rachel Brown (formely Messier)
Yes, he finally got the candle out, but we had to move it very, very close. Actually, we did like 5takes of this and he kept trying to blow the candle out every time. Poor guy’s asthma gets the best of him . . .
oh my gosh is this funny. did jafta ever get the candle blown out? priceless.
Oh Lord I laughed so hard I may have peed a little! That is precious.
Ahhhh! We miss you guys!
I love that my friends are your friends!!!
Your kids rock. I don’t know who was funnier, Jafta or India. It’s a tie.
I found your blog after you posted on Haitian Angels… your family is beautiful. We have adopted domestically, are adopting a five year old from Haiti (we are waiting for his visa) and we have 4 bio kids.
Just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself…. I didn’t want to be a stalker 🙂
WOW Kristen; I can’t believe I came across this; you may not remember me but my brother Shawn and I lived down the street from you years ago on Cheryl Lane in Kissimee. I was friends with Brooke!!!
Your family is beautiful and your blog is tooo cute!
If you want to email me [email protected].
I am also married with 2 kids; Zachary 9 and Hannah Love 3. I totally get the poop on the bike, or shoes…Take Care!
Rachel Brown (formely Messier)
Yes, he finally got the candle out, but we had to move it very, very close. Actually, we did like 5takes of this and he kept trying to blow the candle out every time. Poor guy’s asthma gets the best of him . . .