I am a mean mommy. We were at Payless yesterday, and Jafta spotted a pair of generic crocs with Cars logos on each side, and a Cars baseball cap. He was so excited. He loved them. He put them on and began professing his love for the Cars movie. He looked in the mirror and thought he looked like a million bucks. He begged, I mean BEGGED, for these shoes.
Thing is, he looked like a total dork in these shoes and hat. They were hideous. He looked completely ready for the short bus with these things on. Despite the fact that he loved these shoes, and despite the fact that they were seemingly comfortable and easy for him to get on and off, I would not relent. I will not have my kid looking like a dork. We left the store in tears, and with a pair of Airwalks that mommy liked and Jafta hated.
I am mean.
you are mean. :o) i fell into that same trap once. we came home with ridiculous princess shoes. i hate that crap! so now…i go to the store, buy 2-3 pairs in different sizes of the shoe that I like…and the kids never have to even know that there is a whole world of Princess, Dora, Hello Kitty shoes out there calling their names. i’m mean too.
He’ll thank you when he gets older. Crocs are straight from the depths of Hades.
You don’t know me but I got to this site through a friend’s site and I enjoy reading. 🙂
Only problem with this one is I wanted my son to wear “cool” shoes…no character shoes. Now he is 8 (this week) and I am paying $50-60 for a pair of DC’s or Etnies. And they go through them fast. So never leave Payless I tell you…they can have cool shoes there. Don’t give too far into them looking good. How I wish I could buy $20 character shoes now..lol. But I do agree with the whole crocs thing…yucky.
I wonder how long we can pull rank on clothing choice? I’m hoping a good, long while.
I did just let Caleb buy a shirt with a raccoon on it..
i don’t blame you, i didn’t like them either!!
lori (mommy to a little girl that rides a “short bus”, but not due to her being ‘slow’, just deaf from birth & adopted at 2y from haiti *smile)
I totally thought of you today. On my walk, I walked past a park and there was a boy riding his bike with those DANG fake-crock CARS shoes on! I totally wanted to take a picture for you. I actually giggled out loud thinking about it! Also … one of my students has them. Now I’m obsessed with finding them. They’re ALL OVER!!!!!
Good job not giving into Jafta’s high demands of quality shoes! 🙂 xoxo
Ha! I can't imagine my life without my Crocs. I'm mad crazy about them. My feet never ever hurt no matter how much walking I've done in them. They're ugly as hell though.