So we head into the gallery and all is good. I’ve got India in a “mei tai” carrier and Jafta is being cool. When all of the sudden, India starts projectile vomiting. All over the place. All over me, of course, and it’s covering the gallery floor. I high-tail it to the bathroom with her, and suddenly I hear Mark saying, “Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry!”. Jafta also pukes all over the gallery floor. The art gallery is covered in puke. I am so embarrassed.
We do our best to clean up the floor, our kids, and oursleves, amidst horrified stares. I have to just take the kids’ clothes off. So we have to walk two naked kids back through the gallery to our car.
So embarrassing.
Of course, once we get home, we put them in the bath, and the kids are as happy as can be.
oh, my …..gosh. kristen! were they sick with a virus or did they just happen to both throw up a couple of times??? so sorry. that is definitely one of the most awful stories ive heard! tandem puking!
Yes, they were sick. We had several encore puking perfomanace that night. Yikes.
I know this is an old post, but I have to say, it made me laugh and be grateful that I'm not the only one. My daughter is a projectile vomitter and to this day, at the age of 6, she still prefers her favorite place to get sick- the backseat while on the interstate miles away from anything of assistance. Just this summer, I spent 10 miles holding a blanket like a basket to keep her from throwing up on the floor and all over the rest of the car. I'm thinking it's a kid thing. Keeps us on our toes, doesn't it?