If you aren’t familiar with the “alt-right”, this is basically what they do. They claim to not be racist, but do not be fooled. It’s rhetoric. They believe that the races should not mix, and that America is an inherently white nation, and their goal is to assure that is true. They are nasty people with little to no empathy for others. They use abuse tactics and harass people every day. And they LOVE Donald Trump and truly believe that he has their interests in mind. I can see why they believe that.
I’ve had many, many people react negatively to me suggesting that Trump ran on a racist platform. But I need you to open your eyes to something. Donald Trump is currently considering Stephen Bannon for his chief of staff. This is fact. Stephen Bannon is one of the leaders of the alt-right movement. This is fact. DONALD TRUMP IS CONSIDERING THE LEADER OF THE RACIST MOVEMENT THAT HARASSED MY FAMILY TO BE CHIEF OF STAFF OF THIS COUNTRY.
This should terrify you. Even if you voted for Donald, this should terrify you. And you need to say something. We ALL need to say something, but those of you who supported Trump need to be the most vocal. You need to check your party. You need to check your candidate. It’s not time to be sheepish or embarrassed. You don’t want people thinking you knowingly voted for a racist? Then you need to make sure he doesn’t appoint racists to his staff.
Speak up. Everyone. Speak up.
I’m not in the practice of asking people to share my posts, but I hope you will share this one. I’m scared. We should all be scared.
This is our country and we all need to protect it right now.
Thank you for sharing and reaching out to the world!
How do we influence this decision? I guess I don't know what I can do as a lone citizen to infuence cabinet appointees.
Who do we contact? I'm in Massachusetts.
This is horrifying. I am so sorry this happened to your family.
Sharing. What do you think is the best way to make our voice heard?
This times 100x!! Can I share that I reminded my SIL of just this (and all of the ugly things Trump has said about everyone seemingly) when she posted on FB that election losers have been acting so ugly. We're not speaking now. She won't speak to me. I'm shocked by her blind faith in this man, she can't even be open to discussion about it.
I totally missed this since I was living under a rock-I am so sorry! I love you guys and hear what you are saying. This is not ok.
This is sad. But, this comes down to the character of the person harassing the family. This Has nothing to do with Donald Trump. It's an excuse to be mean. Nice people don't do this. Obama is in office as far as I know. Stop creating fear amongst the people a d speculating who Donald Trump will put on his team. Of the is that Stupid he will get impeached. Congress has more than white in the house. I am sorry this happening to your family. But blame the people that are doing it. Not one man who isn't even in office yet.
This is terrifying. I will speak up as you spoke up for our child (and hundreds of others) who were stuck in Congo for the past 3 years. Thank you for sharing petitions and videos. Our family is finally complete! Sharing this blog now!
They're Nazis and we need to stop letting the get away with this rebranding.
Good try, but says at top it was written FEBRUARY 5,
Where is the first place we can go to to let him know it is not okay?
I am so sorry your family has had to deal with all of this! I can not even imagine!!! Praying it all stops now!
Hi there…I'm in a tough spot here. We all are…I'm trying to find REAL sources, REAL people affected by Steve Bannon directly before I speak against him. I voted Trump. I don't like him…he's a jerk but I have personal reasons. I don't care to engage in a debate with anyone who wants to slander me for my vote. I want to speak to a person directly hurt by Bannon. Please contact me if this is true.
You have a beautiful family! I have the same fears as those you have shared here & have been sick to my heart since the election. I am scared & so sad to see such clear evidence that there is a very large segment of the American population that is angry & hateful. I actually feel bad for these people who feel so threatened & oppressed, but worse for the victims of their ignorance who suffer due to the words & actions of others. Those of us with loving, accepting attitudes must join together to make our voices heard in this time of national tragedy. We must do everything within our power to make difference, since voting was not enough!
I am sorry that some people acted inappropriately to you, and your family. However, you cannot blame the leader of the alt-right for the actions of a fringe element. It is the same as saying people who are against abortion are crazed people who bomb abortion clinics. It makes no sense to lump all Alt-right believers as ignorant racists. It is rhetoric like this that creates divisions. Stop the bullying.
All alt-right means is alternative right. I am sorry you were harassed but you cannot scapegoat a political movement because of the actions of Internet trolls. You need a reality check.
You are a fear monger as well as being grossly misinformed. I'm sorry you went through a traumatic experience at the hands of worthless Internet trolls. You cannot scapegoat an entire political movement and philosophy because you get trolled on the Internet. Please stop calling people racists and bigots for specious reasons.
"Alt-right" is a nonsense term made up by TPTB to try to trick you into thinking that they're some different group apart from "normal" Republicans, and that the mainstream GOP is somehow moderate. This is just good old fashioned regular run of the mill Conservative Racism
I'm sorry for all you and your family have been through. It's time to let the alt-right and anyone else know that this is not a "white" country. It never has been (see Native Americans and slavery). This must stop.
I'm sorry that happened to your family, but Bannon was head of Breitbart News, which was provocative and alt-rightish. He was not leader of the alt-right in all its manifestations.
I am so sorry that you and your family experienced that nastiness. I agree with you, 100%. While I am commanded not to fear by my God, it is hard to stifle the horrible sadness and fear of a regime in this country. History repeats itself–anyone who has ever even loosely studied it should see that–and I fear that a very dark period is ahead for us. We believe that our voices will not be shut out–that we will not be stifled, and I pray that we (the people, who regardless of political persuasion are fundamentally against the views espoused by Trump and the alt-right) are right, but my heart breaks, and I shudder to think of the very real and bleak possibilities of what the next two, and possibly four, years will hold. While I try to understand the people in my life who do not espouse these views, but voted for Trump on a "at least he's not Hillary/ regime change/policy platform", I cannot. He has surrounded himself with toxic people, and has expressed views that would cause most of us to run from a stranger, or acquaintance, or potential mate…but we're okay with the "leader of the free world" embodying such qualities?! I will keep your family in prayer, and know that you have myriad people in your corner.
I am sorry for all that you have had to go through. Black children are last to be adopted. I commend your bravery and steadfast efforts to protect your family. This whole situation scares the crap out me. I fear for my safety and and the safety of friends and family member spread out around the country.im happy to live I. A blue state, but their is a KKK group here too…
I am sickened and appalled by this. I will share your story and speak up for the rights of all people whenever I can.
Just a nit: The article to which you link (it explains what the alt right is and what Bannon's connection to it is) appears to say that Bannon turned Breitbart into a "gateway" to the alt-right, but Bannon (and by extension, Breitbart) is not himself alt-right.
I propose that haters on both the Right and the Left have at least some legitimate grievances that reflect the real excesses of their opponents. If Breitbart articles document the excesses of the Left or debunk Leftist claims, then it is natural that alt-Right haters would twist the articles to justify their hate. That, however, is not enough to indict Breitbart or Bannon. If we never said anything that could be misused, we would never be able to say anything.
If that is correct, then your anger (and yes, it is righteous indignation) has led you to illogical fears. You may have other, more convincing sources that you did not provide links for. I'm just going on the evidence you presented.
By the way, as a foster-adoptee, I always wanted to adopt. My parents weren't perfect, but the stable home they gave me saved me from an awful childhood. Thank you for opening your heart and doing what I never could.
This very much bothers me! I'm going to be watching him very closely the next 4 years beginning now. Please advise me as to who are the people(s) I need to contact to speak up and how I can get ahold of them. President Elect Donald Trump being first on that list. I need the most immediate and effective mode of communication. Thank you
Hi, can you please post links to the news coverage about this? Google isn't generating any. Thanks!
I have a relative with two adopted black kids. Notbinv has happened to her. I can't imagine what kind of neighborhood you live in. It must be near Hell.
What can we DO? Is there a Trump phone line to call and beg please don't do this? Or a way to write a letter? Or protests to join? I am going to attend the million woman march in DC on 1/21 & will happily circulate your post, but is this enough???
This is truly heartbreaking! There is only ONE race-and that is the HUMAN RACE!!! I have been and will continue to pray!! Praying for you and your family as well!!! ?
Hey Howertons, I know you from Rock Harbor. I used to lead a recovery group at RH. (Ann Langston) I am very concerned about what is happening with the incoming administration. I plan to resist, speak out, protest and financially support (as able) to prevent your family and any other family and/or indivdual from being targeted by misogynistic, bigoted, racists. I have your back!!! Thank you so much for sharing your story. Please take care and know I care. Betsy (Ann) Langston
What you could not find any white kids to adopt. Well it better that you didn't you would just help to brain wash them in to being race haters. I am amazed how white people are so quick to adopt mud races and leave the white kids to government brainwashing but I am sure it will bite you in the ass as your lil coloreds grow into adulthood. I have known about 10 families that adopted out of their race and it ended bad for all of them. Just remember this while you are whining snowflake ( you don,t plant tatters and get madders)