A mom is filming her two daughters as they open a Christmas gift from their uncle. The mom is giggling and clearly expecting a response – almost as if it’s a gag on her children. The kids pull two black baby dolls from the bag. The oldest looks sheepish and a little disappointed, but she also seems conflicted. Like she’s on to the fact that her mom is fishing for a response. The mom keeps laughing and begins to push for a reaction. “Do you like it?” “What’s wrong?” The daughter shrugs and seems like she doesn’t feel like indulging her mom in whatever reaction she’s gunning for (and filming for.)
But the younger sister is not as filtered, and she sees the dolls and becomes unhinged. As she’s going into temper tantrum mode, the mom is laughing and asking “what’s wrong?” but it’s clear she already knows the answer . . . because the answer was expected. And she is filming because she thought the reaction would make for a funny video to share on facebook.
It’s gross.
It’s disturbing and disheartening and sad. But it’s also a reminder of how easily children can pick up on racial bias.
It’s easy to think that devoid of a racist parent, no children would ever behave this way. That racism is a learned behavior. And while I do believe that racism is learned, I also believe that our children are ALL growing up in a society in which they are swimming in racial bias. And if we want to avoid our white children being disappointed in a black doll, we have to be very intentional to overcome societal norms that suggest to our children that they should appreciate white skin over brown.
Thankfully, our scene on Christmas morning was a bit different from the viral video.
I agree with your thought process, but I do have a devil's advocate point to share. As a child, I played with American Girl Dolls. I read the entire catalogue and picked the character I connected with, for whatever reason. (This was before you could make your own) Anyway, I would have been dissapointed that I didn't get "anna", whose story I knew by heart. I would not have been crushed by the different skin tone, but because it wasn't the character I wanted. I'm hoping for humanity's sake this is why the girls are sad and not because the dolls are darker than the humans. Or, I'm wrong and we all have work to do. Thanks for your post.
I hadn't watched that video. But I love your perspective. Racism ends when parents can teach their children how not to be racist. It's not just words but actions. Cheers to you for teaching your children to be good humans!
"I'd love to challenge everyone reading this to consider your own holiday. Was diversity reflected under your own Christmas tree?" Hilariously ironic question to this Jewess.
I just want to say that I don't agree with your take on American Girl. While in the past, they did not offer much in the way of ethnically diverse dolls, in the past 7 or 8 years, they've actually introduced a large number of dolls with varying skin tones and hair textures. Coming from the other side of this argument–my three daughters are biracial (Caucasian/African american), I was ecstatic when AG introduced the "just like me" dolls that looked like them (especially the ones with curly hair). I see nothing wrong with any girl of any race wanting a doll that looks like them. I'm grateful to AG for adding more diverse dolls so that my girls can have the same opportunity to have "just like me" dolls as their friends do. I see no problem with them having mainly African American dolls, because with all the racial bias messaging that they pick up on everywhere else, I find that we need to make every effort in our home to celebrate African American beauty so that my girls never feel less than. I realize that this is a different situation than what you're describing, but I just wanted to let you know that there's another side to this story that isn't being represented.
Wow…dont u realize it has nothing to do with rascism…that is what is sad. I agreed that the mother was wrong for pulling this 'prank' intentionally looking for a reaction but accusing the children of being rascist? They were disapointed and thats it. Little girls usually want dolls that reflect their own image…no matter what color they are. If u go to stores in more ethnic areas u will find that they have a higher percentage of diverse dolls available. Its marketing…not racism.
Wow…dont u realize it has nothing to do with rascism…that is what is sad. I agreed that the mother was wrong for pulling this 'prank' intentionally looking for a reaction but accusing the children of being rascist? They were disapointed and thats it. Little girls usually want dolls that reflect their own image…no matter what color they are. If u go to stores in more ethnic areas u will find that they have a higher percentage of diverse dolls available. Its marketing…not racism.
Well, thanks to Doc McStuffins we've got a little diversity but definitely could use more. Curious why you wouldn't list Doc McStuffins as a show with positive representation of another race?
This video is disturbing as much for public reaction as mom's.You can call the girl's reaction racist, or learned, but it is innate…it is a protective measure, as "disfigurement" in the natural state most likely means there is something physically wrong with the baby. This is deeper than gut level, it is instinctive, and leads mothers of many animal types to abandon or kill babies that don't look "right". it is natural and expectable. Nothing to see here except someone not understanding the nature of instinct. And, a mother playing a very nasty trick on her girls for no reason at all. other than making a video to prove an intellectual point.
Good God, you have the worst case of white guilt I have ever seen. I truly feel sorry for your kids ?
So my daughter just told me this morning that she likes the tiana doll because she has hair like mommy's.(I am white with dark hair). I thought that was cute.
Great post. Bought my boys dolls. Now thinking I can do better and get them different kinds of dolls!
It also depends on the are you love in. My community is 70 percent black. Out target offers tons of black products haircarecetc and a mix of dolls that sell. Also u have to look at economics. Who can spend 120 on a doll? Economic plays into issues of race.