Kembe takes his role as “helper” very seriously. Sometimes I have a hard time believing this kid is the same age as India, because he acts like such a little adult. One of his favorite pastimes is sweeping. I promise – he does this of his own will. And he is remarkably good at it. My other two kids like to pretend to sweep – they sort of push the broom around and then call it a day. Kembe is serious about it. He edges in from the corners and even uses the dustpan. And then he grabs the swiffer.
Here he is on one of his secret playdates with Ryder, where he has somehow managed to talk Ryder into being his assistant. After they swept the house, Kembe ordered Ryder outside, where they swept the leaves off the trampoline. A job I’ve never even thought of doing.
He has also taken it upon himself to be my little babysitter for Karis. These two have the cutest interaction – they absolutely adore each other. BUT – he is also very keen on scolding her when she decides to get into something that she shouldn’t. Which is pretty much every second of the day.
Karis’s new favorite pastime is sneaking over to my purse and emptying the contents. She isn’t very stealth about it, though, because she then decides to scream and hold the objects she finds above her head. I call this her “exultation”. But Kembe has a sharp eye, and he just loves busting her and ripping her newfound toys out of her hands.
What a cute brother and helper he is.
I am hoping for parasites.
omg this is so cute it makes me wanna cry. so so precious.
"Exultation"! Love it! I feel that sense of exultation when I find a forgotten piece of chocolate in my purse. I don't squeal though. One of my kids might come and claim it from me.
Geoff is the same way about cleaning. His favorite chores are helping with laundry and sweeping.
After our last plane ride, with my own little purse pilferer, I realized a ziplock bag is a great idea for a purse and continue to keep all of the little stuff like pens, gum, chapsticks and pill pouches in it. Other wise I too can find myself with quite a mess. No sweet little boy to help me out though. Our cat just doesn't cut it. 🙂
Adorable Post, Precious Children!
1) they cannot be any cuter. seriously. precious!!!
2) what is it about kids and sharpies and tampons? my babies always loved those items as well.
3)it is interesting to me that kembe has taken on the role of sweeper and sitter. i would venture to say his life in haiti molded that part of him to some extent. makes me really realize that my children are much more capable than i think. so….as of today, i'm handing off my broom and my baby (jk – my baby is 5) to my other children!!
have a great day with those BEAUTIFUL babies of yours!
Look at his smile. Cutest thing ever!
Reading this post just makes me smile.(and want to give Madi a brother or sister) So sweet!!!
I absolutely love the last picture – just what I needed to see before I start my day. Thanks for sharing!
So, so adorably cute!
Your littles are all adorable but Kembe's smile is in my top 10 of all time cutest ever! I love the pic of Karis and Kembe hugging and India looking all content….precious.
He is SO cute!! What a good helper; a blessing to have!!
Love it!! Love how inclusive they look – that they all share the affection and whatever joke they have going on.
And my friends here in the US always make fun of me for wanting to violate child labor laws, but I've lived enough places with kids trained like Kembe with the sweeping to know that it does NOT harm their development and actually teaches valuable skills. I just gave one of my favorite 2-year-olds her very own dustpan for her birthday, and everybody at the party was scandalized, but that just shows they don't know her at all, because she'll play with a doll for a few minutes but she could spend her whole darn day happily sweeping.
No, you know – it's not all my friends in the US who mock me. In my neighborhood (in poor New Orleans), whatever work task I have, neighborhood kids come out of the woodwork to help. I never reward, but they're always there helping me haul dirt, mow the grass, etc. And that makes me FAR more comfortable than the kids I used to nanny for who thought the cleaning woman should pick up after them.
So sweet! And I love your home.
HOW SWEET!!!! I just love kids… what a treasure – each and every one!
hi, i'm here from Marvelous Kiddo and loving reading through your blog. Your family is so gorgeous, and i love the photos:)
I love that look of complete and utter joy. Adorable.