No matter how earth-hippie-mother-nature you want to get about the ole’ moon cycle, the fact remains. Periods are just The Worst. Messy and inconvenient and uncomfortable and potentially embarrassing. And I, for one, am sick of them. I mean, it’s been going on since I was a teen and here I am, nearly 30 years later, and still dealing with this ish. I had my babies in a span of 4 years, so the extra years of bleeding feels unnecessary, thank you very much.
Still, it’s a fact of life that must be dealt with for most of us.
Also (and seriously, if there are men still reading despite my warning above, this is your time to BOW OUT) . . . I have found that things don’t really get lighter with age. Some friends and I were talking and we all had similar experiences of some embarrassing heavy-flow situations in our 40’s.
Not fun.
I recently learned about LOLA, which is a subscription service for tampons. I don’t know how this hadn’t been invented before, because it’s brilliant. If there is one thing you can dependably need at regularly schedule intervals, it’s tampons.
LOLA sends a personalized tampon box each month. You can customize the box with exactly the sizes you need, and it arrives in the mail just before you need it. And the tampons? Are great quality. The FDA doesn’t require brands to disclose a comprehensive list of ingredients in their tampons, so most don’t. Many big brands use a mix of synthetic ingredients in their tampons including rayon and polyester. LOLA tampons are 100% cotton with BPA-free plastic applicators.
My daughter was thrilled when my box came, and was convinced it was candy. She was gravely disappointed to learn it was not, and even more traumatized when I explained what they were for. Sorry, honey. No chocolate for you.
I am loving this service, and even loving how the cute little box looks on the toilet.
LOLA’s subscription is super flexible, you can change, skip, or cancel at any time. If you’d like to try LOLA, the first 100 new customers* to use the code RAGE will receive 50% off your order!
*LOLA is only available in the continental US