Here are some things I read this week that made me think. (These are just snippets – click on the title to read the whole thing.)
“In this op-ed, William Colglazier — an AP US History teacher from California who is teaching his students how to spot fake news — explains how we can do the same.
Bachelor Party Turns Into Puppy Rescue Mission by Suein at ABC News
“A Michigan groom’s bachelor party was hijacked in the best way when a dog showed up at the cabin where he and his friends were staying and stole their hearts.
‘We were cooking bacon with the door open. The next thing you know, there’s this dog sitting right at the front door. She wouldn’t come inside, but she sat right there,’ he told ABC News….Then they noticed the dog was protecting a spot in the woods….”
This Family Tree Site Knows A Lot About You And It’s Creepy As Hell by Sarah at Scary Mommy
“A genealogy website that tracks your family connections is getting a lot of attention right now. Not because it’s a great site, but because the website is downright terrifying. It knows a lot about you and allows anyone to access this sensitive information for free….
My past addresses, age and most family members linked to me were accurate. It was unnerving. My reaction was also heightened by a recent incident on Twitter where a troll threatened to publicly out my personal information (a practice known as doxing), including my address and information about my young kids. All because I wrote a blog post he didn’t agree with. Thankfully, law enforcement stepped in and Twitter banned him, but it was obviously scary.”
Ashley Judd: How online abuse of women has spiraled out of control via TED
Obituaries For Teenage Girls If They Actually Died When They Say They’re Dying by Karen at McSweeney’s
“The conversation was started on a thread asking commenters ‘what thing would you do if it wasn’t so ‘feminine’ or socially ‘unacceptable’?’ And the hundreds of answers were insightful. Who knew that guys were so into sewing? And how they wish they too could smell ‘like a bed of roses’? The men confessed that they’d love to wear sundresses (‘those things look like heaven’), to order ‘fruity drinks’, to cover up dark circles with make-up, and wear skirts. One user says, simply: ‘I’d knit so hard, bro.'”