Has your week been long and crazy and full of events like mine has? Here’s just a taste of what’s been happening in my Instagram world this week…..
No photos, please.
@jaftahowerton @_ryder_reece_
Took the kids to see Moby Dick today: the story of a psychotic captain who sacrifices the well-being of his entire ship in the pursuit of his own vengeful goals. So yea … relevant. |
LAPD showed up in riot gear to the peaceful protest here at LAX.
The real heroes at LAX tonight: these attorneys who showed up and volunteered their time for anyone needing help.
Shout-out to the people rocking Hamilton references on their protest signs yesterday at LAX.
This is frightening, and an attempt to erase the checks and balances of our country’s three branches of government should elicit outrage from Republicans, too. |
Gotta love when you get an alert from your child’s internet watchdog about an email including profanity and drug references, and it turns out to be your own newsletter. |
She saw him in concert last year. Was yuge. |
Head on over to @luvvie’s facebook page in about 15 minutes where I will be asking her questions about blogging, activism, humor, and other assorted topics as part of her keynote at #altsummit. |
Friends and sunshine and cocktails – a nice palate cleanser after a rough week. #altsummit |
One of my favorite places with one of my favorite people. |