A fun review of some of the things you might have missed over on Instagram this week….
#TBT Social D show, maybe 2002? I miss that hat. @lunareececeramics @wendy_maurer
On their way to the Sweetheart Dance at school. India decided to wear a tie like daddy. ? |
The girls are occupied so the boys and I are doing a food crawl of more adventurous cuisines.
We did kimchi, now dim sum. Up next: Halal Guys.
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Speaking on the future of social media at #dad2summit. @charliecapen @calebgardner
Roped @paulosophia into his first blogging conference. We are watching this session on wading into politics.
(I think we’ve passed the point of no return on that one.) #dad2summit
Dining with professional hand models @momspark and @charliecapen
Love this band fam. |
Unfortunately, I’ve had a whole lot of people tell me they signed up for my newsletter and haven’t gotten one. I think there are some glitches on Mailchimp’s side, so if this is the case for you (or you want to sign up for the first time), please use the link in my profile instead and I will upload manually. Hopefully this will ensure everyone who signed up actually makes it onto the distribution list. Also, make sure to check your spam folder, and if you find it there, mark it safe. You can also save the sending address ([email protected]) to your contacts so it won’t be marked spam again. Thanks!
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Happy 40th to my sister @brownjk20!