Although, despite my complaining about the transition, I actually prefer when the days “spring forward.” I like longer days and more light in the evenings, and personally, wish that we could just keep the clocks that way year-round. This time of year always feels like the promise of summer. We bought a grill last week and have eaten outside several evenings in a row. And of course, I love that the kids can play outside longer in the evenings. Everything feels a little brighter this time of year.
A few weeks ago, my kids had “ski week” . . . a bougie SoCal holiday in February wherein wealthy families ski and the rest of us scramble to figure out how to do our jobs with the kids home from school. I decided to rent a little house for us in Palm Springs, because I figured I could get more work done if they were swimming and playing in the sun than I would at our house. Although we did spend one day taking a tram car up to the top of the mountain to play in the snow – which ended up being proof that we are not ski people. My kids cannot handle cold weather. We were up there for about 5 minutes before they wanted to head back down. “I think I have frostbite on my hands!” was yelled by each kid at least once after handling a small amount of snow. We are such wimps.
We had a casual week off. For the most part it was basically just doing life at a different house. I mean really, isn’t that what “vacation” with kids looks like? Cooking and making them clean up after that in a new, more expensive location? But we did manage to get in some sight-seeing at the Salton Sea, Joshua Tree, and Salvation Mountain.