Here’s a little update on some of the things going around here:
The Black dolls: I would like to give a big shout-out to all the diversity-adverse moms in Orange County. Thanks to your racial preference in doll shopping, I was able to snag the HSM Taylor and Chad doll set on clearance at Target for only $5.74. But there are plenty of blonde Sharpay and Ryan sets still available for $24.99!
The MILF tee: True confession – I wear it. A lot. Along with all the other tacky message tees I’ve gotten as samples through Mama Manifesto. I am up to my ears in message tees, and while I think all of them are stupid, some of them are really, really comfy. I only wear them to bed, which just prompts Mark to make lots of innappropriate comments that I won’t be repeating here.
The 3-D glasses: He still hasn’t noticed this picture on my blog
The name game: No name for my daughter, no new name for the blog. Indecisiveness rules.
The 7-day sex challenge: Mwahahahahaha. Two words: third trimester. Kudos to my inspiring blog friends who pulled it off. Maybe someday . . .
The spine bookshelf: Still large and in charge in the living room, mostly because I’m too lazy to move it.
Keanan – We miss him like crazy. Mark and Jafta are going for a visit in a few week! They will be in Haiti March 13-17th. I am insanely jealous. Jafta is starting to ask more and more why he can’t come home yet, and even offered to give the new baby away to his best friend Ryder so that Keanan could come home, instead.
The purses from Haiti: All sold! Thank you!! Mark and Jafta will be taking some fabric for the sewing school when they visit. Heartline is working on a website that will sell them full-time, so I will keep you posted!
India’s baby issues: I think she is slowly warming to the idea of a new baby. Meeting her new cousin really helped. She was very interested at our last visit:
But she still want to be the “new baby” herself. I think this video perfectly illustrates Jafta’s enthusiasm about being a big brother, and India’s ambivalence about being a big sister:
Heather says
fun post!