The girls and I had a very mellow Thanksgiving. We had the big day with Mark’s family on Tuesday, and we are celebrating with my family when we get to Florida, so we had the whole day to ourselves. It was actually really nice. I had originally planned to run the Turkey Trot 10k in the morning. But it started so early that, between nursing and then getting the girls to my inlaws, I would have needed to wake up at 5am. And seeing as how I’ll need to wake up that early tomorrow to catch our flight, it didn’t seem exactly sane. So I ended up trying to hoof my own 10k pushing the jogger stroller at a more reasonable hour. I made it about 5 miles – and I added a new thing to be thankful for: a husband who watches my kids while I run.
*Oh, and case you didn’t notice – Karis has some new bling on the helmet. That’s an original Andrea Reece she’s wearing. I am so thrilled my friend Andrea (who is a legit artist) was willing to decorate her helmet. And besides, someday when Andrea is world-famous, I expect this little piece of “found art” to fetch me a pretty penny at Sotheby’s. But for now, Karis is rocking a cute look and getting all sorts of compliments.