No one knows how to multi-task quite like a mother. Even if it wasn’t a skill on our resume before having kids, it’s something each of us will master out of necessity. Whether it’s learning how to change a diaper with one hand while bottle-feeding with another, or taking a work call while supervising a kid at the park, we’ve all got stories of making it work and doing two (or three) things at once.
Sarah: I work for an online school. I had to teach a live online class of students that other teachers were also logged into to watch me model the teaching. They didn’t know I had to sit on the back patio with one hand holding the sliding glass door shut as my daughter screamed and peed down her leg inside.
Alyson: I remember nursing my baby while helping my 2 year old daughter potty while my 4 year old son was asking me detailed questions about bugs.
Kristen: A few weeks ago I was wearing my infant daughter who fell asleep before dinner time. I didn’t want to risk waking her by putting her down and also didn’t want to wait to eat since I was starving (breastfeed means constant hunger, right?) My solution: napkin over her head to catch anything I might spill while enjoying my salad. That salad was delicious!
Carissa: On at least a couple of occasions, I sat in the shower in the bathroom with the door locked because it was the farthest I could get from my angry toddler while I was on a conference call.
Cory: Vomiting from morning sickness with my one year old on my hip.
Heidi: I take my teens on coffee dates where I bribe them to do my grading while I work on lesson planning…or where I will occasionally surf the web for relaxation. No shame.
Jenn: Once I was talking in the phone (cradling it between my ear and shoulder), while nursing an infant and wiping my newly-potty trained daughter’s bum at the same time. I am both embarrassed and proud of my skills at that moment.
Victoria: Holding a sick bag for one daughter to throw up in whilst throwing up in one myself on a plane and commenting on 2nd daughter’s drawing ‘that’s lovely darling’…
Most parents know that anything they can do to save time AND simplify their ever-growing “to-do” list is a winning strategy in the parenting playbook. And in additional to multi-tasking being a necessity, it is also a sanity-saver . . . because when you save time, you free up more me-time later.
Clorox’s latest product, Scentiva, is a true multi-tasker as it cleans, disinfects and deodorizes all at once. It comes in both disinfecting wipes and a spray in two different scents; Hawaiian Sunshine (think tropical paradise with key lime, citrus, mango, pineapple and hibiscus petals) and Tuscan Lavender & Jasmine (a rich mixture of jasmine, rose, hyacinth and lavender with a touch of juicy peach white sandalwood and vanilla).