Happy Mother’s Day! Today I’m linking up posts that I think deal in some of the universal aspects of being a mom. Then and now from Is There Any Mommy Out There? Stacy describes the difference between kid number 1 and kid number 4. The Great Confession from Amalah One of my favorite bloggers gives in to the minivan. I confess to some shaudenfraude while reading this. Dear Mom. I totally get it. Love Me. from Motherhood Uncensored It’s amazing how the empathy for our own moms grows upon having children Why Motherhood Is Like A Diet from My Fascinating Life Claudia makes some greats parallels between motherhood and dieting Tina Fey’s Prayer for a Daughter Hilarious and poignant. No I’M more stressed from O My Family Allison describes how being an exhausted parent creeps into our marital relationships. 5 Habits of Highly Nurturing Mothers by Elizabeth Esther Some great reminders of how to really nurture our children. Also, be sure to check out the Mother’s Day Rally for Mom’s Mental Health at the blog Postpartum Progress. 24 moms (myself included) have written a letter about the experience of post-partum depression and anxiety, and they will be posted every hour on Mother’s Day, in an attempt to raise awareness and offer support to moms in the middle of this difficult journey. Even if PPD is not a part of your story, you should check out the letters – I know they will be powerful.