Today is National Delurking Day, or so I’m being told. That means it’s your day to finally leave a comment! I know . . . some of you already do. But the vast majority of you are silent readers. Maybe you are intimidated by the comment-leaving process? it’s easier than it looks, and you can log in with just your name. Just click on the “COMMENT” button below this post, and this box will appear. Ignore all the fancy log-in options. The best way to leave a comment is to manually type in your name and email (and your blog if you have one – this lets everyone click directly to your blog instead of to an intensedebate profile). No one will see your email. If you want your picture to show up, you should upload a photo at This stores a photo associated with your email, and will show the photo on nearly every blog you visit if you enter your email when you login. (Again, your email does not show up in the comment – just the photo). Okay, so now you know how – please leave a comment and let me know who you are. Where are you from? How did you find this blog? Why do you read it? What do you want hear more about? What would you like me to stop talking about? Talk to me, goose.