It’s been a while since I’ve cleared the photos off my phone. I’ve got about a month’s worth of photos I need to save – here are a few of them. Let’s start with kids with messy faces.
Karis is a big fan of black beans. She practically inhales them, which means that any time we go to Wahoos or Café Rio or any other number of joints that serve black beans, this is what she looks like midway through her meal.
India got to pick out of a prize bin at her scouting program, and she chose some shimmery eye shadow. She decided to apply the entire tub of eye shadow in one sitting. Attractive. Although, between the shimmery eye shadow and the berry-stained lips, she’s sort of rocking the makeup I wore in 1989.
Mark and I got out for a date night two nights last week! I’m so proud of us. Even though these were our first dates in several months. We got to see Sondheim’s Follies at the Ahmanson, and then American Idiot at Segerstrom. There is nothing I love more than some time with my man and some showtunes. Lucky for me, my husband is a very good sport.
This is Karis’s new favorite outfit. Strawberry Shortcake tights, sunglasses, no shirt. Unfortunately for her, the preschool has rules against sunglasses and shirtlessness, so we get to fight about it every morning.
We got to spend Memorial Day with Sarah James and company. These kids are the mutual admiration society – I love how well they get along.
I have always said that Kembe is the loudest child I’ve ever met. Sarah says the same about her son. I still think Kembe reigns supreme on this one . . . but he has definitely met his match.
On rare occasions all four of my children sit and play cooperatively with each other. This is one of those moments. Yay for scented playdough! So good you can almost eat it. (Just ask India).
The other day I went outside to find Kembe and Jafta attempting a game of Human Angry Birds with two bungee cords. Two points for creativity. Luckily I stopped them just before they broke through the window of the backhouse.
There is a new Fresh and Easy by my house, and all of the checkout lanes require you to scan your own food. The kids insist on doing this for me, all four of them fighting to ensure that they each get an equal turn. Karis’s average speed for locating the barcode and actually scanning the product? About five minutes per item. Related: everyone at Fresh and Easy hates me.
Our garden is really flourishing right now. We’ve got spinach, tomatoes, snap peas, and edamame. I love that I can pick a dinner salad from my backyard. The kids are really enthusiastic about the garden, but not as enthusiastic about eating the green veggies. This is about the only green food India will eat:
Well, that and green playdough.
The ice-cream truck is out in full force since June rolled around. My kids pressure me every time. But would you look at Kembe? He’s having a religious experience with that snow-cone.
The roof of the playhouse is always the preferred spot for eating cold treats.
This Saturday we were invited by HP to come have a tour of the Innoventions Dream Home. I’m not sure how it’s possible but in all the hours we’ll logged at the Magic Kingdom, we’ve never been inside. It is really fun – a home full of all the technological possibilities that the future holds. The kids really loved the interactive bedtime story – I think it might be one of their favorite attractions now.
We stopped by the Princess Coronation, where the boys were thrilled to find that the prince looked like them. Yay, Disneyland!
India also insisted that we wait in line to meet Merida from Brave. She hasn’t even seen the movie yet and she’s already talking about being her for Halloween. The rest of us were not as thrilled to wait in a FORTY-FIVE MINUTE LINE for a photo with a character, but India was persuasive. Also, I was feeling generous because I was just so proud of her for this:
My timid little girly-girl stepped it up and fought Darth Vader in the Jedi Training Academy. I . . . I can’t even. This is a really big step for her.
Jafta has done this any number of times and continues to take it VERY SERIOUSLY. Just look at the way he’s mad-dogging Darth Maul before he even starts.
Such focus. Such determination. The force is strong with this one.