This post was sponsored by Nokia Lumia 900 Windows Phone. A couple years ago I packed up my CD’s, in an attempt to make the switch to digital music. It seemed like itunes was the way every was buying and storing music. And yet, I was constantly running into issues. Every time I got a new phone or laptop or computer for the family, I had to spend hours watching tutorials on how to get my itunes music from one device to another. Almost always, I would lose my playlists in the transfer . . . playlists I’d spent hours carefully curating. I’m sure that there is a techie fix for this, but it always caused me a lot of headache. I am not a fan of itunes. Then I discovered Spotify, which was a game-changer for me in terms of music. It’s a cloud-sharing music service, sort of like Napster grew up and made good. They have an exhaustive collection of music . . . I’ve yet to search for something that I couldn’t find. But for me, the best part is that once you create an account, the playlists you create are available from any computer or phone. No transferring files, no rebuilding playlists. It’s $10 a month to have mobile access, and for me this is well worth it to never have to buy CD’s or files that I have to store and move from device to device.
I switched over to Spotify about a year ago and really haven’t looked back. It’s perfect for me because I have such completely random taste when it comes to music. It is also available on every major SmartPhone platform, which means when I got my new Nokia Lumia 900 Windows Phone, all I had to do was download the app and log in. BAM. All of my music was right there, organized exactly how I like it. Not to mention, the playlists of friends that I also follow. Here are a few of my favorites, in case you’d like to follow them as well: For The Children by Kristen Howerton This is my ever-growing playlist of kids’s music that doesn’t drive me insane, and this playlist is on constant rotation in the car. Girls With Pipes by Kristen Howerton This is a playlist full of some of my favorite voices . . . Adele, Corrine Bailey Ray, Nora Jones. It’s a simple, mellow mix that’s pretty much exactly as it’s described: girls with pipes. If I’m alone in the car, I’m usually listening to this. Unless I feel like singing along with a bit more hand motions. In which case I’d switch over to: Singing At The Top Of Your Lungs In The Car by Kristen Howerton Again, this playlist is pretty much exactly as described. It’s full of the best dork-out, full belt ballads and musical theater songs that you just cannot hear without singing along. This has Idina Menzel and Kristen Chenowith on heavy play, along with Kelly Clarkson, Christina Applegate, and the soundtracks to Glee and Smash. Groovy Beats by Kristen Howerton This is a playlist with mellow, groovy beats . . . perfect for a chill party or as background music on date night. It has a lot of ambient songs from movie sountracks, as well as Thievery Corporation, Moby, Kinky, and Beasty Boys. Something for Everyone by Kristen Howerton I made this playlist for our annual Fourth of July Block Party, where all of the neighbors and their varied music tastes convene. I tried to curate a list of music that anyone could enjoy, pulling from a wide variety of genres while still sticking to upbeat songs appropriate for a party. It’s got everything from Micheal Jackson, The Kinks, Bob Marley, OK Go, and even the Biebs. Like I said, something for everyone. Songs I Sing To My Kids by Kristen Howerton This is a playlist of the songs I sing as lullabies to the kids at night. It’s the perfect way to get my kids to fall asleep in the car. By song 3, Karis is out like a light EVERY TIME. Songs To Make You Cry by Kristen Howerton This playlist is for when I want to get my emo on. Heavy on The Smiths and Bon Iver. As it should be. Yep? Yep. by Maggie Mason Maggie is the best at curating pretty much everything cool, and music is no exception. This is a great list of new songs, most in the indie genre. Workout Beats by Sarah James I’ve been meaning to compile the perfect list of upbeat workout tunes, and then Sarah went and did it for me. I always listen to this when I go for a run, and it definitely keeps me moving. Chill by Brittany Gibbons Brittany compiled the perfect relaxing dinner music playlist. We really do listen to this during the dinner hour several times a week. High School Flashbacks by Kristen Howerton If you went to high school in the late 80s/ early 90s, this will be quite familiar to you. So, those are some of my favorites. (I told you it was random). Are you on Spotfiy? What are some of your favorite playlists, that you’ve curated or that you follow? I’d love to find some new music, so leave me the name of your favorites in the comments! Disclosure. This is sponsored post, however all opinions and reviews of the product are my own.