This week we officially moved into our new house. It’s been a rough go, though I supposed moving a family of 6 is never a smooth transition. We still have some work to do: we’re waiting on kitchen countertops so we are eating off paper plates and using a hot plate to cook, and there are boxes to unpack in every room. But we’re here. Now that we are in, I am second-guessing some of my painting intentions. When I do this, I tend to get caught in a web of indecision, and then I do nothing. Case in point, the piano I bought a year ago? Still not painted. Only because I’ve been waffling on colors. I’m determined to do it now that we are in the new house and it’s an eyesore in the middle of the room, but I am still debating colors: a golden yellow vs. turquoise. I love the look of this aqua blue piano:
This painted piano is a bit more green/aqua, but I like it as well:
I am also digging this yellow paino. This was my original inspiration for a painted piano:
Here is another fun golden yellow, on a piano with lines similar to mine. I’ve also got the same Eames rocker that will sit next to the piano.
Alright, guys . . . help me out. Turquoise or yellow for the piano?