Elizabeth Esther and I really enjoyed doing our political weekly webcasts last year, and we’ve been looking for a way to collaborate again on something we both feel passionate about. Esther and I are both ardent readers of blogs that deal with issues of faith and religion, and are frequently chatting (and even debating) about some of the things we’ve read. Recently, we decided that this would be a fun collaboration . . . to get together and chat about some of the hot topics coming from the faith blogosphere each week. And thus, “So Totally Relidge!” was born. (A shout-out to David Drury for suggesting this cheestastic title that we completely adore). As we talked through our first episode, it became clear that we need to chat about the brouhaha that erupted on inauguration day between Mark Driscoll and several other Christian leaders who found his sentiments about the president offensive (and then those that found offense at those who were offended). All of this led to a string of posts about how Christians should respond to such behavior – with some expressing the need to call it out, and others suggesting that Christians should take the road of humility and silence. I promise – the shock-jock pastor from Seattle won’t always be our topic, but we couldn’t help but discuss this one. Stay tuned for next week when we will be discussing the use of shame in the virginity/purity movement. Have a faith-related topic you’d like us to tackle? Leave it in the comments!