Why I Dyed my Daughter’s Hair Blue (and other adventures in saying yes).
Last month, I surprised my friends (and myself) by allowing my kindergarten-aged daughter to get her ears pierced and dye blue streaks in her hair. MORE »
DIY Birthday Banner
We celebrated Karis’s 4th birthday last month, and I’m sharing a cheap and easy birthday decoration that involves the kids. MORE »
Best Children’s Books for Transracial and Interracial Families
The numbers of transracial families in North America continue to increase, but it can still be difficult to find stories for children of transracial families in children’s books. Here are a few. lMORE »
Transracial Adoption in TV and Film: A Retrospective
This is a retrospective of how transracial adoption has been portrayed in movies and film in the past few decades.
Logging on and zoning out: the soft addiction epidemic of the internet age
It makes me wonder how our advanced technology is affecting our ability to listen and to be in relationship with others. (And by relationship, I mean one-on-one, as opposed to Facebook friends). Are we becoming a society so entangled by our computers and phones that we no longer know how to relate in the real world? Is there an emerging generation of computer-addicted young adults who need their laptop like they need air and water?