Yesterday our church led the congregation in two prayers for Labor Day. I will be honest – I have never given a lot of thought to Labor Day, and I’ve certainly never thought of it in a Christian framework. But I appreciated these prayers, and the way they made me contemplate justice as it pertains to labor issues. I thought you might appreciate them too. A Prayer for Labor Sunday God, help us to build a new world in the midst of the old. A world where all worker are valued. A world where those who clean houses are able to buy houses to live in. A world where those who grow food and afford to eat their fill. We pray for the coming of a world where all workers everywhere share in the abundance that you have given us. We ask these things knowing that you give us the courage and strength to live out our faith in the workplace and in the marketplace, as well as in the sanctuary. Laboring God, as you labor with us, may we labor for you, ever committed to do your world in the world. Amen.
written by Edi Rasell
A Prayer of Confession We are workers, God, just like you. But we confess that our work is not always done in a manner that affirms and honors each other. Our work is not always done in a spirit that is pleasing t you. We confess that, on some occasions, e have blindly bought goods made by people who are paid too little or work in unsafe conditions. We admit that we have failed to end an unjust system in which some workers have jobs that provide good wages, health insurance, sick leave, a pension, paid vacations, and other benefits, while others have jobs that do not. Merciful God, forgive us. Help us this Labor Day, to work for justice and build a new world where all people share in the abundance you have given us. Amen.
written by Kimmberly Calytor