So proud of this girl! Her first time back on the stage since the pandemic and she did such a great job of expressing herself, even in a mask. I’m loving seeing the kids get to do theater again.
Gotta love a kid casually rolling up to school in a tux because he has a choir performance later in the day. He wasn’t thrilled with me playing paparazzi but I love it. All of it. Giddy he decided to be in choir this year.
Packing up our holiday cards today. I went with the one you guys voted on most! (It was my favorite, too.) Thank you, @minted, for such gorgeous cards. And for printing all addresses on the front so I don’t have to cuss and yell about my poor mail merge label skills. PS Minted cards are 20% until tonight! #mintedholiday
This weekend involved us trying to stay awake past 10pm in a speakeasy and then being reminded the next morning that drinking at our ages does not come without consequence.
When you go to the same @rvca sample sale and are accidentally matching for school.
Guess which music is me and which is @jaftahowerton 😬
Age to age, we’re still the same.