Some snapshots from our Easter weekend . . .
On Saturday, we dyed 36 eggs, a fact I’m now living to regret as I try to force egg salad sandwiches on everyone in the house.
We go pretty light on the Easter baskets. Some new books, some fair-trade chocolate, some peeps. (I realized after the fact that Mark was accidently photo-bombing this photo with his butt. You’re welcome for that.)
We managed to make it to the early service at Verizon Amphitheater, which was another example of an Easter miracle.
The service was packed, the sun was bright, and my knee injury was letting me know that walking 1/2 mile from the parking lot in heels was not my best move. So we skipped out a bit early to avoid the crowds and headed over to a small church in our neighborhood for a more low-key Easter service. It was lovely.
The kids had an Easter egg hunt after Sunday School, and I tried in vain to limit their sugar intake.
After church grandma, grandpa, and the cousins came over for brunch. We had another egg hunt in the backyard.
I made a sweet potato, kale, and goat cheese frittata that was really tasty. This was my first time using a cast-iron skillet. I was really excited about it until I had to clean it. Yikes.
After lunch, I tried to find the Easter Parade on Netflix, but no luck. But Netflix recommended another movie I watched frequently as a child: The Pirates of Penzance. There is nothing hotter than Kevin Kline as the pirate king. I still love this movie. I was a bit more excited than the kids.
And then we took a big long nap.