The backstory: I have been trying to potty train India for five months now. She has done really well getting the #1 part down. She hasn’t had an accident in months and does really well at home and at school. The #2 though . . . not so much. I know that she has control over it, though. She doesn’t really have accidents, she just waits until naptime every day when I put her in a diaper. (She is very regular). Every day for weeks now, we go through this routine where I put her in a diaper, leave the room, and come back in ten minutes later to change her poopy diaper.
Over it.
I know she has control over it, but is just refusing to go on the potty because she is a) stubborn or b) freaked out by the potty. I’ve been trying to strategize how to remedy the situation. I had ideas about leaving her naked on a plastic sheet during the nap, or putting a small toilet on the bed, or skipping the nap altogether for a few days. Yesterday, she did skip the nap, and by dinnertime she had a grimace and was walking a little funny. I knew she had to go #2. She peed several times, and each time I acted like a cheerleader, trying to get her to make a deposit in the toilet. She informed me that she would not be pooping in the toilet.
Until . . .
(inspired by true events)
Guess where we’re going tomorrow?