Our home remodel has definitely been a “hurry up and wait” kind of situation. We did a big push in order to be able to move into the house right away, because we didn’t have the money to float two house payments. But then after we moved in, we had to spend about a month living on concrete floors because the bamboo had not acclimated to the moisture levels in our house yet. Then we finally got flooring down, but there were no doors in the house because we were waiting for them to come in at Home Depot. Doors . . . one of those things you totally take for granted until you don’t have them.
We were so excited for the flooring to finally go in, because it meant we could stop living out of boxes, unpack our house and arrange the furniture. But that joy was short-lived, because pretty quickly we started noticing the flooring was buckling in places. We called the owner of the flooring installation company, and he came out to look at it. The good news is that he took ownership and agreed that it had been installed improperly, and that the floor leveling they did had not been sufficient. It could be fixed. The bad news is that they now have to rip up the floors, level the subfloor again, and then reinstall. When he told us this news, I actually felt like I was going to vomit, because these floors have already given us so much trouble. But he agreed to repair it at his own cost and to do the work while we are in Africa. I’m glad it’s going to be done right, but it’s just another limbo state, knowing that any furniture we arrange is going to be moved again. Not to mention the baseboards and then the requisite paint touch-up. It’s a huge curve ball that we didn’t expect.
In addition to the floors holding us up, we are also still waiting on kitchen countertops. We currently have plywood laying across the kitchen counters, and because the countertops are not yet installed, we do not have a kitchen sink. And you can’t install the dishwasher without a sink. And a kitchen without a sink or dishwasher isn’t really a functional kitchen at all. So for the past month, we have had to retrieve water from the bathroom, and do our dishes in the bathtub.
Super glamorous. Thankfully I discovered these disposable Clorox Scrubbing Singles that make washing dishes like this so much easier. (Clorox has some great cleaning tips on their website here.)
We are also still waiting on slider doors, and currently have large holes in our living room wall that are covered with plywood. So we continue in a state of limbo, one that is sometimes hard for me. I like having everything in its place, and feeling settled. And right now, we don’t yet feel settled.
The kids are faring better than the adults. They have their own rooms set up, and are relishing in having their own spaces.
So for now, we are trying to do the best we can to feel settled in this environment of constant flux. I’m a homebody and I really like having everything in it’s place, so that has been hard for me. It’s been a daily practice to remind myself that this is temporary, and that “home” is about the people in it and not the furnishings.
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