1. As a mom of a former foster youth who has a form of Medicare for insurance, I am very familiar with the system and think it should be available to all citizens (just as healthcare is available to citizens in most other developed countries.) I am a strong proponent of a single-payer health insurance system, and I do not believe it works if we leave for-profit insurance in place. Therefore, I was only looking at candidates wanting to replace private insurance completely.
2. She has been fighting against economic corruption for years – long before being an elected official. It’s a passion of hers, and I trust her in the highest office to actually be FOR THE PEOPLE, not for her donors.
3. She is compassionate. She has empathy and I trust her character. This goes a long way for me. We’ve seen what a lack of empathy and compassion looks like in a president. Our country needs someone with integrity.
4. She is a woman with a plan. She’s insanely smart and has creative solutions, and more than that, I believe she has the ability to work well with others and make her plans a reality.
5. I believe that she is the best candidate to beat Donald Trump. She is charismatic and has a populist, anti-corruption platform – Trump had a similar platform in his last election which drew many people to him, and which he did not uphold. I think Warren has the ability to capture those who are fed up with Trump’s antics but still like the populist message.
If you are willing to share and keep it civil, I’d love to hear who you are voting for, and how you landed on that decision.