I took brussel sprouts to a potluck. They were delicious and now my car smells like farts. Just gonna have to light it on fire I think. Goodbye 2013 Toyota Sienna.
Carnitas by #foodiejafta
I just had a “mosh pit etiquette” talk with a child who is being dropped at his first adult concert. He was unimpressed with my experience and wisdom on this matter.
In other news, I taught a child to peg her jeans. Wisdom and experience mildly appreciated here.
Cotillion: came for the awkward dancing, stayed for the bar in the back.
I’m usually a mom that lets the kids choose their own activities, but music lessons is the one area that I’m pushy. My mom forced me to take piano lessons my entire childhood. I hated it. But now I am so appreciative that I know how to play an instrument. I think knowing how to play an instrument is such an amazing coping skill in adulthood. So I’ve always required it for my kids. When my kids got to middle school, I made all of them take guitar class, because hello free music lessons. We are super lucky to go to a school where the kids are offered three electives, with many of them being in the arts. All three of them were irritated at having to take guitar. But it has grown on India, and last night she participated in a concert with some of her classmates, and I felt glad that I forced it. Jafta already took the class and I will regularly find him sitting and playing in the living room.
Do you require your kids to do certain activities? Or do you let them choose? How do you strike that balance?