Sporting some new gear from our friend’s @letsbekindday campaign. ❤️❤️
It’s the day of the show, y’all.
The cast came off. And apparently, so did his melanin. We are now calling this his “biracial arm” 😂 (I think it pairs nicely with his David Rose rings.)
One of the things I talk about in my book is learning to let myself off the hook. In this season of life, I am the napkin underdog. I will not be providing adorable crafts for the class party. I will not be providing home baked and skillfully decorated cookies. I will not be volunteering. I will be going to Amazon prime, clicking on napkins, and having them shipped to my house. I will stick them in my kid’s backpack and call it a day. And that’s okay. There are areas and moments of motherhood where I shine. This is not one of them. If dazzling at the class party is your jam, I salute you, and thank you. Some years that might be me. Some seasons I might be bringing napkins, without an ounce of guilt. We do what we can to love our kids well. And the rest? We let ourselves off the hook. #worldsokayestmom
We are working hard to wrap up our Christmas album and can’t wait to share it. In the meantime, here is the album artwork as conceived by Karis. 😬❤️ Love the intent but I think we might go with a professional ….
Hey local friends! This weekend India will be playing the Zoey Deschanel character in the musical version of Elf. It’s a really cute play, great for kids and families, and a very inexpensive way to see some live theater. It’s also a great way to kick off the holiday season (rumor is, Santa might be in the lobby taking photos!) Shows are Friday night at 7, Saturday at 2, Saturday night at 7, and Sunday at 2. Get tickets here: