A sexy thing happened to me this week. I got a mouth guard to wear at night to keep from grinding my teeth. It now sits on my dresser next to my cracked heel cream, my insomnia tinctures, my asthma inhaler, my white noise machine, and a stack of books about the gender inequality of mental load that is leading to stress and overwhelm for women. Form an orderly queue, boys. 😂
In what may be the weirdest accidental science experience ever, I left a bowl of apple cider vinegar in the backyard after doing a rinse on Jafta’s hair and three of those creepy green fig beetles drowned themselves in it. 🤷♀️
A whirlwind, too-fast but totally worth it trip to Canada for no reason other than to catch up and connect. My reset button is pushed and my heart is full. (Fixed it @jenhatmaker)
Beautiful day with my favorites. Missing you @jenhatmaker.