This kid’s first day of summer break is going pretty well…
Trying to clean out my closet but someone keeps walking off with my rejects.
A fake yawn from India but a real one from Kembe. Note to self: do the matinee next time. @bwaycolorpurple
So proud of this kid! He entered junior high coming from a “no homework” school – which is a dream and I totally support this philosophy – but I had a lot of trepidation about how the transition would be to multiple classes and the new reality of nightly homework. I thought we might be in for a daily battle. But this kid totally surprised me and did his homework, without being watched or reminded, every single day. He also set an alarm and got himself ready for school, and rode his skateboard – sometimes waking up at 6am for early morning basketball practices even before the rest of us were up. He displayed so much responsibility and initiative this year. And at times, he also acted like a typical junior high boy. But ultimately he rose to the challenges and had an amazing year. Now on to 8th grade!
Skating home from playing for the 8th grade graduation, in his suit with bass in hand. He described the experience as “a giant waste of time” but at least he looks dapper … ??