Two weeks ago, I attended a gathering of social justice activists. We meet once a year and talk about how we can use our platforms to effect change, from politics to public support of justice causes. But one of my friends issued a challenge to all of us that weekend . . . what are you doing in your own home and in your own town to promote justice? It’s one thing to rally the battle cry online, to write passionate op-eds, or to organize rallies and protests. But what are we doing in our own corner of the world?
Mitsubishi Electric was inspired to curate the stories of people doing good in their own communities, and the result is incredibly moving. I was especially touched by the story of a girl in India who lost her grandfather to contaminated water. She wanted to prevent others from dying from having to drink unclean water, and her solution was to start a baking business. Her moxie and determination in the face of sorrow is something that really challenged me.
One thing I love about this story is the fact that she was inspired at such a young age. I watched this video with my kids, and it really motivated my kids to think about issues that are close to their heart, and what skills and talents they have that could make a difference. Even if the monetary contribution isn’t substantial, I love seeing my kids excited to put their energy into giving back.
Check out the other inspiring stories from Mitsubishi Electric’s stories of change series, including a Yangon man who has single-handedly provided light to many people in his community, and a school principal who created a bussing system to safely get children to school each day.
Tell me what stories of good are happening in your local communities?
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Mitsubishi Electric . The opinions and text are all mine.
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