Circling back to the special moments shared on the Instagram page this week….
Ready for the MLK Parade!
Mold art
If you are local come on by for a hand massage, complete with peppermint sugar scrub. Best deal in town! Lemonade stands are so 2015.
“Lukewarm acceptance is more bewildering that outright rejection.” True then, true today.
#mlkday #blacklivesmatter #whitesilenceisviolence #staywoke #saynotonormalization
On the blog today: If you need a last-minute way to commemorate MLK Day, here’s a list of movies you can stream based on ages, from little kids up to adults. Link in profile.
India insisted on arranging the platter for my friends’ Bachelor viewing tonight. The carved B’s in the cheese are a nice touch.
Shopping for shirts for Jafta on @hm. You guys. I’m really worried about their male models. Why do they look so sad? Is it the knowledge that these shirts will shrink after the wash? Are they thinking about the election results? Was the photographer playing The Smiths during the photo shoot? Do they need a sandwich? I’m concerned….
This outfit tho.
#whenchildrendressthemselves #stripesfordays
Our mutual happy place. @segerstromarts
so little wahhhh