Here are some of things I read this week that made me think. (These are just snippets – click on the title to read the whole thing).
“Winter was on its way. The Standing Rock community’s tents and summer tipis would not work in 20-below weather. A call went out from the Red Warrior Women’s Media Collective for donations of winter housing, something the rural Oregon forest community knew it could provide.”
What It’s Like To Go Without Complaining For A Month from Jessica at FastCompany
“Griping comes naturally for us. During an average conversation, we lob complaints at each other about once a minute, according to research. There’s a social reason for that. ‘Nothing unites people more strongly than a common dislike,’ says Trevor Blake, author of Three Simple Steps. ‘The easiest way to build friendship and communicate is through something negative.’”
“Many assume that because young people are fluent in social media they are equally savvy about what they find there,” the researchers wrote. “Our work shows the opposite.”
An Honest Museum Audio Tour from River at The New Yorker
My Credit Card Debt Isn’t a Secret, I Just Don’t Discuss It from Haley at Man Repeller
“Once I was at a Thanksgiving party and everyone was complaining about their hired help and how much it costs. Someone asked me how much I paid and I was like, “I don’t have a housekeeper.” I felt so much rage. I remember thinking, “You guys are so insanely clueless that you would assume everyone in this room could afford help.” They aren’t bad people – they’re good people! But they have no concept. No knowledge of what my financial situation would even be like.”