“The phrase “alt-right” was coined by one of the most bigoted, racist, white supremacists in America — Richard Betrand Spencer. He is the brain of the alt-right movement — which is nothing more than white supremacist bigotry by a new name. In 2013, the Anti-Defamation League labeled him as “symbol of the new white supremacy.” The Southern Poverty Law Center called the 38-year old-Spencer ‘a suit-and-tie version of the white supremacists of old, a kind of professional racist in khakis’.”
Thought: “Suzie has a well-check appointment next week.”
Overthinking: “Suzie has a well-check. I need to make sure to set a reminder on my phone for 1 day out and 1 hour out so that I don’t forget about it like I did last year. They will think I’m a complete airhead if I forget yet another appointment. They say it’s not a big deal, but they’re probably just being nice. Okay. Reminders set. I got this. “
When November hits, potter, designer, and author Jonathan Adler recommends stepping up your table game with gold accents to create a glam dining room look. “When it comes to tablescaping throughout the year, the truth is I’m always kind of restrained,” he confesses. “But during the holidays, I find my inner Kardashian and unleash a world of layers and ornament and glitz.” Try incorporating gold dinnerware and cutlery for a seasonal “splash of panache” in Adler’s signature style.
1.Make sure you have an 8 am appointment so you can’t possibly ride the school bus. This will save you from diesel fumes, car sickness and a relaxed morning.*
*this also gives you the distinct advantage of appearing busy and therefore important.
The alt-right used to exist mostly on the Internet, but with the rise of Donald Trump and his chief strategist, Steve Bannon, the movement is starting to hold conferences where hundreds of people attend. Spencer and others in the alt-right movement were suspended from Twitter this week. But now that Trump has been elected, Spencer says he believes the alt-right will continue to grow.
I LOVE giving gifts of experience but really love being able to give my family members something tangible as well. There’s just something about unwrapping a gift, or watching your family and friends unwrapping a gift, that just makes the day!