This post is sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse Gift Catalog I’m leading another “Occupy Christmas” movement in our house this year. By that I mean bringing the consumerism down a notch for the holidays and bringing the tangible giving up for those in need. Less plastic toys for privileged kids, more food on the table for those without… that kind of thing. In a season marked by giving, I love the idea of giving back to our community and our planet. I want my kids to have clear and consistent memories of giving back during the holidays, and my hope is that this is what motivates their love for the season. My dad helped lead the charge on this a few years ago. Instead of buying gifts, he gives a donation in our name. It’s always something very tangible, and the kids really do enjoy finding out what someone else received. We have followed the charge, and similarly give donations as gifts to some of our family members. I love the Samaritan’s Purse Gift Catalog because my kids can browse it and then pick something that they feel passionate about. (If you aren’t familiar with Samaritan’s Purse, this inspiring video of their work with Syrian refuges will give you a good idea of what they’re about.) We looked through the catalog together and each of my kids gravitated towards something that mirrored their own interested. Karis wanted to give the gift of baby chicks. Kembe wanted to give sports equipment because of course he did. And India loved the idea of donating for someone to learn how to read. Jafta is a bit older and is more clear on the refugee crisis, so he wanted to make a donation towards warm clothing and shoes for refugees. If you are looking for a tangible way to involve kids in giving, the Samaritan’s Purse gift catalog features 42 gifts that you can purchase to help people in need. There are options ranging from medical care to emergency housing to disaster relief. Gifts range from $7 to $35,000, but you can always share the cost by donating a portion of the amount to a project you are passionate about. You can check out their gift catalog here, and if your gift is in honor of a loved one, you can order an honor card to give on Christmas morning.