For the past 10 years, we’ve done a weekend in the desert outside of Palm Springs with some friends. It’s a tradition that our family loves, as we are joined by other families with kids. We’ve been doing it long enough that as our friendship circle has widened, so has the group that comes with us. This year was our biggest year yet, and it was a blast. We had new friends and old, friends from church and from doing music and from the blogging community, and it turned out to be such a fun group that really clicked, despite some people having just met. It was insanely hot in the desert . . .we stayed sane by sitting in the pool most of the day, and logging a lot of time in the lazy river.
One of the reasons we always return to this particular resort is that we can rent a 4-bedroom room that has a living space big enough for everyone to gather. So our friends have their own room in the same building, but we can all hang together in one spot. In the evenings we cooked dinner together. And sometimes played a very competitive round of Name That Tune.
We also have a tradition of walking the golf course at sunset. We have to scale a hill to get there.
Actually, the hill is optional. But the kids like doing it and the view isn’t bad.
Then it’s all manner of shenanigans on the gold course . . . races, frisbee, cartweels, yoga.
And of course . . . selfies.
Another yearly tradition is getting caught when the golf course sprinklers come on. We always know it’s gonna happen and yet the kids squeal and scream every time. And then run around until they are soaked. Reclaimed water . . . how bad can it really be?
It was a fun weekend and the perfect way to end our summer.