Last week I talked about how I’m trying to teach my daughters to put weight on who they are and not what they look like. Lean Cuisine’s #WeighThis campaign is asking women to talk about the things they are proud of – the things that they wish their value was weighed on as opposed to physical appearance. Many of you chimed in with your own self-affirmations and I loved reading them. So many women doing powerful and meaningful things.

This one by Carol made me tear up, because I love that she has done the work to make her own family life different than what she grew up in:
I am most proud that regardless of the neglect I experienced as a child and into my teenage years with zero guidance, I have been able to be a loving parent to my son and my stepchildren and provide a household where trust and judgment are out the window AND was able to graduated college when I was a single mom, got my citizenship, and have a respectful and loving relationship with my husband.
Several people talked about the strength they’ve found in going it alone:
I am proud of the independence I have gained and the confidence I have about being on my own. I am proud of the relationships I have and the ones I have chosen to end. I am proud of the fact that I am finally taking care of myself and not giving all that I have to people who don’t appreciate it. – Becca
I’m not proud that I got divorced, but I am proud that after my divorce, I was able to get a promotion, buy my own house, and really provide for my son and myself. – LD’s mom
Like myself, a number of you feel proud about the strides you’ve made in starting your own business:
I am proud that I started a business that was so successful that 5 years later I am able to stay at home with my little guy. I am proud that last night I served a delicious meal to guests in my house, even though being a “housewife” goes against all of my feminist sensibilities. I am proud of my killer garden and my chickens. I am proud that I love theology and would love to talk bible over tabloid gossip any day. I wish these were my identifiers… not my soft, stretched out belly skin, or my unkempt hair, or my lack of makeup. Maybe one day. – Blaire
‘m proud that I was able to start a fair trade business that supports 25 women in Uganda and Nicaragua, and a related charity that allows 65 Ugandan kids and several Nicaraguan kids to get a better education. It doesn’t pay much, but I am doing what I love, working from home and also getting to travel, developing close relationships with women and children. I’m also proud of my four grown kids and the good they are doing in the world! – Sally
And I love these testimonies to the rewards of helping others:
I am proud that I can help people. That I can take action to make a difference in another’s life. I usually get to do it in quiet ways. Sometimes people know, sometimes they don’t know, but I take great joy in creating comfort, compassion, or happiness for someone who might need it.
– Lauri
I’m proud to be able to provide health services to children across the world. I’ve always dreamt of a world where every child had the ability to live a life of their own dreams and volition. I’m proud I get to be a part of that through providing them and their parents health support 24/7 and for free.
– Divya
Thanks to everyone who shared! You can read more of the responses (and add your own) on my facebook page and on the original post.