I am a huge fan of Stitchfix. I have friends who have raved about it for years but I had every excuse in the book not to try it. “I’m too picky.” “My body shape is too hard for someone else to shop for.” “I need to try on my jeans.” Etc etc.
Finally one day I broke down and tried it, after seeing so many cute outfits on other people. My first box was amazing. My second box was iffy. My third box was a miss. But I kept with it, because I noticed that one thing was always constant: the jeans they sent always fit.
How they do this is still a mystery to me. And my friend Heather raves about the same thing. Every pair of jeans fits right out of the box. If I went to Nordstrom’s, I would probably drag 12 pair into the dressing room just to find one pair that fit, but Stitchfix has some kind of wizardry magic happening.
I’ve been getting boxes for about a year now, and I usually post the contents online.
1. Curate a pinterest board just for Stitchfix clothes. This is really important. Don’t just link to your pinterest board of style you like. Make a board JUST for pinterest. And pin clothes you want and need . . . not just aspirational styles or things you would wear if you lost 10 pounds. Make it practical and realistic. (My pinterest board for Stitchfix is here.)
2. Fill out the note to your stylist EVERY TIME and be specific. Want a pencil skirt? Need some deconstructed boyfriend jeans? A boho maxi dress? Want a box of just jewelry this time? Describe it in detail.
3. Tell your stylist the brands you like every time you write her a note. (My favorites are Vince, Madewell, Anthropologie, and Free People.)
4. Adjust your age and job to how you WANT to dress. I’m a 40-year-old mom, but that’s not really how I want to dress. I noticed my boxes got a lot better when I switched my profile to the age I WANTED to dress.
5. Decide what kind of clothes you want from Stitchfix and let your requests reflect that.
I’m looking for going out clothes – stuff for date nights and girls nights and theater evenings and dinner parties. I don’t really need help shopping for my usual uniform of jeans and tank tops and cardigans. (I talked about my mom uniform here. Three years later and it hasn’t changed a bit.) Also, if you are a stay-at-home-mom, you may want to be really specific about the kind of clothes you want, so your stylist doesn’t make assumptions that you don’t need dressy items or that you don’t want some more fashion-forward styles.
Those are my best tips! I feel like my stylist and I really understand each other now, and most of my boxes are a hit.