Last week I gave an update on our house, and the messy and dusty state of things. I thought things were finally looking up. We had gotten past the point of sanding drywall, and I had hired a housekeeper to come and clean every surface. We mopped the floor, we cleaned out the closets, and we wiped out every kitchen cabinet. The kitchen was finally installed and I thought that an end to our gritty existence was in sight.
The kids were really excited because the kitchen was installed with a blue film to protect the cabinets. They were certain that our cabinets were going to be blue. They were very disappointed to learn that we would eventually be removing said blue from the cabinets.
Things were trucking along at a great pace. One day, can they went to school and came home to find that his room had been built. That was a really fun surprise.
And then we went on a long weekend trip to Disney world. It seemed ideal. The rest of the house would be finished while we were out of town, luxuriating in a hotel with amenities like doors and floors.
We had a great time at Disney, and that hotel room truly did make me appreciate the little things. Like running water. It was wonderful being in not only a clean space, but a space that someone else was in charge of cleaning for me every day. But that trip had to come to a close, and we headed home with high hopes about returning to a home that was vastly improved, and to a better standard of living in our ongoing construction zone.
Alas, my fantasies were not to be. We arrived home to a house that was covered in more dust then it had ever been previously. The good news is that progress was made in our absence. The bad news is that our absence made the construction workers completely lose sight of the fact that our furniture and all of our belongings are currently residing in that house. Oh, and also six people need to live there.
We came home to find our beds, our sofa, and the floor covered in about a quarter inch of drywall dust. It looked like a light snow had fallen, a light snow that gets in your lungs and makes you sneeze. Our bed was so bad that we had to take our comforter out into the backyard and shake it out, and as we did so all of the dust flew back in our faces and caused a coughing fit
Apparently, our construction crew is not accustomed to working in spaces where people are actually living. So we had a serious conversation with them, and bought some tarps. And we also checked ourselves into a hotel room for the week.
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