This post is sponsored by the #sheisnoble campaign My friend Rachel Held Evans is fond of using the phrase Eshet Chayil to affirm the noble women in her life. It’s a Hebrew phrase (fitting as I’m writing this from Jerusalem) that is used as an affirmation in Proverbs for a “woman of valor.” This noble woman is described as someone who opens her hand to the poor, who cares for her family, and who lives with dignity, wisdom, and kindness. She’s the kind of woman most of us want to be. I’m in Israel this week, surrounded by noble women. I was invited by Lynn Hybels to come on a trip with several other writers and speakers and learn about some noble women living here . . . women who are at the forefront of peacekeeping efforts between the Israeli and Palestinian people.
One such woman was Rachel Feldman. We had dinner with her last night and she spoke with passion and hope about how she sees the younger generation as the key to solving this conflict. She has devoted her life to peacekeeping efforts. As a Jewish Israeli woman, she lived for several years in the West Bank to gain a greater understanding of the Palestinian people. She is currently working on her dissertation, which looks at how to bring peace to the nation of Israel. She is a staunch supporter of both human rights and national pride for both people groups, and I’m hoping to have her share more with my readers about how this change can come about.
Tonight we met with two other noble women who have started a blog where both Jewish and Palestinian women can write together about how to promote peace. It’s called Another Voice. In modern-day Israel it is rare for Jewish and Palestinian women to have any interaction at all, much less to be friends. These women write under pseudonyms to protect their identity because being friendly with the “enemy” could have negative consequences both socially and professionally. They are passionate about carrying the message of peace and hope to their country but also to women outside their country. They are hopeful that their voices can effect change, and I believe that they will. This month I’ve partnered with the #sheisnoble campaign to tell the stories of women making a difference. Do you have a noble woman in your world? In your neighborhood or school or church? The #sheisnoble campaign wants to tell her story. A team of 20 writers and videographers are telling the stories of these women. Nominate a woman you know here, and you could win a trip to Ireland and $10,000 for her cause.